G.I. Joe Classified Checklist

00 Snake Eyes
01 Roadblock
02 Snake Eyes

03 Destro

04 Duke
05 Scarlett
06 Cobra Commander
06b Regal Cobra Commander
07 Gung Ho
08 Red Ninja
09 Snake Supreme Cobra Commander
10 Cobra Island Beach Head
11 Cobra Island Roadblock

12 Cobra Island Cobra Trooper

13 Cobra Island Baroness With C.O.I.L Motorcycle

14 Arctic Storm Shadow

15 Profit Director Destro

16 Origins Snake Eyes

17 Origins Storm Shadow

18 Origins Akiko

19 Origins Baroness

20 Origins Scarlett

21 Cobra Island Firefly

22 Cobra Island Cobra Viper
23 Zartan
24 Cobra Infantry
25 Lady Jay
26 Flint
27 Cobra Island Major Bludd
28 Heavy Artillery Roadblock
29 Cobra Island Breaker with Ram Cycle
30 Snake Eyes and Timber Alpha Commandos
31 Zartan Master of Disguise
32 Cobra Island Barbecue
33 B.A.T
34 Alley Viper
35 Storm Shadow
36 Spirit Iron Knife
37 Cobra Officer 
38 Croc Master and Fiona
39 Tiger Force Outback
40 Tiger Force Duke and Ram Cycle
41 Python Patrol B.A.T
42 Python Patrol Cobra Viper
43 Dr Mind Bender
44 Tomax Paoli
45 Xamot Paoli
46 Sgt Slaughter
47 Cobra Viper 3 Pack
48 Zarana
49 Dusty
50 Crimson Guard
51 Blue Ninja 2 Pack

52 Snake Eyes and Timber v2 - Covert Ops

 Gear - Bladed Weapons

 Skill - Stealth

 Mastery - Ninjitsu

53 Sgt Slaughter
54 Tiger Force Bazooka
55 Tiger Force Recondo
56 Python Patrol Officer
57 Serpentor with Air Chariot
58 Mad Marauders Barbecue
59 Cover Girl
60 Crimson B.A.T
61 Kamakura
62 Bazooka
63 Outback
64 Falcon
65 Tiger Force Dusty
66 Python Patrol Crimson Guard
67 Snow Job
68 Valkyries 2 Pack
69 Arctic B.A.T
70 Shipwreck
71 Rock 'N Roll

72 Copperhead - Naval Pilot L4

 Gear - Light Weapons L1

 Skill - Hand to Hand Combat L2

 Mastery - Jungle Combat L3

73 Torpedo
74 Scrap Iron with Anti Armor Drone
75 Chuckles
76 Range Viper

77 Night Force David "Big Ben" Bennett - Recon L3

 Gear - Medium Weapons L3

 Skill - Infiltration L3

 Mastery - Covert Ops L3

78 Tripwire, Apsara and M.A.C.L.E.O.D.
79 Cobra Tele-Viper with Trubble Bubble

80 Nunchuck - Foot Soldier L2

 Gear - Melee Weapons L3

 Skill - Ninjitsu L2

 Mastery - Martial Arts L2

81 Cobra Eel
82 Crimson Strike Team - Baroness, Xamot and Tomax
83 Tunnel Rat
84 Firefly v1
85 Crimson Viper

86 Low Light - Marksman L4

 Gear - Long-Range Weapons L4

 Skill - Night Combat L2

 Mastery - Urban Combat L2

87 Grunt
88 Python Patrol Vypra

89 Tiger Force Flint - Leader

 Gear - Light Weapons

 Skill - Rotary Wing Pilot

 Mastery - Tactics

90 Night Force Shooter - Marksman L3

 Gear - Long-Range Weapons L3

 Skill - Recon L2

 Mastery - Stealth L2

91 Crimson Ally Viper
92 Desert Commando Snake Eyes
93 Snow Serpent 
94 Mole Rat

95 Steel Corps Troopers 2 Pack - Foot Soldiers L1


 Gear - Medium Weapons L1

 Skill - Aerial Combat L1

 Mastery - Vanguard L2





 Blast Effects

96 Python Patrol Copperhead

Role: Naval Pilot

97 Python Patrol Cobra Officer
98 Python Patrol Cobra Tele-Viper with Trubble Bubble
99 Cobra H.I.S.S. Driver
100 Cobra H.I.S.S Technician
101 Cobra H.I.S.S Gunner
102 Dreadnok Ripper

103 Hawk - Leader L4

 Gear - Light Weapons L2

 Skill - Artillery L4

 Mastery - Tactics L4

104 Agent Helix

105 Shockwave - Vanguard L3

 Gear - Light Weapons L3

 Skill - Tactics L4

 Mastery - Urban Combat L3

106 Dreadnok Buzzer - Mercenary

107 Night Force Tunner Rat - Ordnance L3

 Gear - Light Weapons L2

 Skill - Explosives L4

 Mastery - Siegecraft L4

108 Shadow Tracker

109 Night Force Wolf Spider - Security L2

 Gear - Light Weapons L2

 Skill - Infiltration L3

 Mastery - Rescue L3

110 Cobra H.I.S.S. Fire Team 788

Cobra H.I.S.S Officer - Leader

 Gear - Light Weapons

 Skill - Hand to Hand Combat

 Mastery - Sabotage







 Cobra H.I.S.S Range Viper - Environmental Specialist

 Gear - Launcher

 Skill - Explosives

 Mastery - Recon






Cobra H.I.S.S Infantry - Foot soldier

 Gear - Launcher

 Skill - Hand to Hand Combat

 Mastery - Sabotage






Blast Effects

111 Cobra H.I.S.S. Techno-Viper with H.M.S

Cobra H.I.S.S. Techno-Viper - Mechanical Engineer

 Gear - Melee Weapons

 Skill - Artillery 

 Mastery - Siege Craft







112 Clutch with Vamp

Clutch - Driver L4

 Gear - Light Weapons L1

 Skill - Hand to Hand Combat L1

 Mastery - Mechanical Engineering L3







Note - Steel Corps Troops jet pack blast effects fit Vamp machine guns nicely.  

113 Mutt and Junkyard
114 Big Boa
115 Airborne

116 Quick Kick - Intelligence L3

 Gear - Bladed Weapons L3

 Skill - Infiltration L2

 Mastery - Martial Arts L3

117 Techno Viper
118 Iron Grenadier Metal Head
119 Cobra Scout with Ferret ATV
120 Cobra Night Attack Stinger
121 Night Creeper

123 Doc - Medic L4

 Gear - Launcher L1

 Skill - Mountaineering L2

 Mastery - Rescue L2

124 Jinx - Intelligence L3

 Gear - Bladed Weapons L3

 Skill - Infiltration L3

 Mastery - Ninjitsu L3

125 Dreadnok Gnawgahyde with Porkbelly and Yobbo
126 Tiger Force Roadblock and Tripwire with M.A.C.L.E.O.D.

127 Night Force Shockwave with Night Pursuit Cycle

Night Force Shockwave - Vanguard L3

 Gear - Light Weapons L3

 Skill - Tactics L4

 Mastery - Urban Combat L3







Night Pursuit Cycle

128 Mad Marauders Low Light and Spirit Iron Knife
129 Mad Marauders Sgt Slaughter
130 Cobra Commander Once a Man
131 Storm Shadow v2
132 Iron Grenadier
133 Alpine
134 Iron Grenadier B.A.T
135 Dreadnok Road Pig with Rawkus
136 Starduster
137 Tiger Force Wreckage with Tiger Paw ATV

138 Night Force Falcon and Quarrel

Falcon - Vanguard L3

 Gear - Light Weapons L3

 Skill - Medic L3

 Mastery - Linguistics L3







Quarrel - Covert Ops L3

 Gear - Arrow Weapons L3

 Skill - Martial Arts L2

 Mastery - Infiltration L3

139 Raptor with General Ledger
140 Nemsis Immortal
141 Steel Corps commander and Twilight Guard
142 Wild Bill
143 Night Force Ripcord
144 Glenda
145 Night Force Crazylegs
146 Zandar
147 S.A.W Viper
148 Leatherneck
149 Dial Tone
150 Heavy Duty
151 Trench Viper